Apple App Store redirecting ads
This fucking sucks, dude. can't do shit without being redirected to download some stupid app. Uber, draftkings, world of warcraft, who the fuck knows what else. every goddamn click.

We have not recently received reports of this problem, so we are closing this ticket.
Several members have reported that this problem has stopped for them. We’d like to hear from more of you. Has the problem stopped for you? Please post to the comments of this ticket.
Previous update: We pulled a major ad network from rotation this morning. If you’ve been experiencing the app store redirect issue consistently, please post to the comments of this ticket to let us know if the problem persists today.
Previous update: Members that have tried clearing cookie data from their mobile browsers report that this does NOT solve the problem. Other reports indicate that the problem happens only when accessing PT on a cellular connection and not when accessing PT on a wifi connection. If you can confirm or deny this theory, please post to the comments. We’d also appreciate information regarding your locale, as this may only be affecting a specific region of the country.
Previous update: If you are still experiencing this problem, please post in the comments. We are not experiencing the “app store” ads in our testing, but this is a highly individualized problem, so some of you may still be. Hearing from you, even if the ads have stopped, is helpful to our trouble shooting.
Previous update: We are doing our best to identify the source of these ads and stop them. We do not purposely show them. The ad networks we use do not allow them. But they sneak through occasionally and they are very difficult to track down. Ads are a necessity to keep this site operationally. It would be helpful to know the device and browser you’re using. You can post that info in the comments of this ticket.
Anonymous commented
thanks, keep up the good work a few less cry babies here
Anonymous commented
posting in the comments because i am still experiencing this problem
Anonymous commented
Piece of shit site. Been here since 2005. Think I'm done. You even deleted my thread about taking me to the following link every 30 seconds:
I don't have this problem with any other site. Just PT. Horrivle experience and it makes me question the integrity of your security.
Anonymous commented
PT is essentially unusable with my I-phone due to this.....It stopped for a few days last week, but it is back with a vengenace
Anonymous commented
Me too.
Apple app store redirects constantly. Annoying as Hell.
IPhone 6 -
Adam commented
Unusable today. Constant redirecting to the App Store yet again on iPhone 5s Safari browser.
Rob commented
This problem was cleared up for a week or two, but is back with a vengeance. I'm teying to access the site on a LG phone running Chrome browser. The site continually redirects to mobile ads. Site is virtually unusable.
Rob commented
This problem was cleared up for a week or two, but is back with a vengeance. I'm teying to access the site on a LG phone running Chrome browser. The site continually redirects to mobile ads. Site is virtually unusable.
zhud commented
About 15 times in a row, kept me from posting threads and posts. Makes the site unusable. You need to start cycling through your ad networks and isolate the one that is causing this. This has gone on for far too long. Find a phone that gets these ads and start troubleshooting.
Anonymous commented
Pop ups an redirecting to the app store is ruining this site! This was the last redirect today.
kickinwing commented
iPhone 6, safari.
Fix this or drop the current ad network. This is ridiculous. 90% of pages I open on PT on my phone do this.
Rob commented
LG phone, using Chrome browser. Site is virtually unusable due to popups.
Anonymous commented
Happen to me today. Galaxy s4 and dolphin browser. This is really bogus. Hopefully these advertisers are eliminated!
Geohead commented
Samsung Galaxy S5. I get redirected to the App store or some popup scam shows up about a virus scan every 3rd page load today. It's total horseshit. The mobile version is completely unusable at this point.
neosphorbin commented
iPhone 5s using up to date Chrome browser.
Brian commented
Thanks for the update. I mostly have issues on my iPhone 6.
Aaron commented
this really does suck, please fix glitch
Anonymous commented
Absolutely pathetic. Shallow way to leech money off of the community. FIX THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT
jerry commented
Get AdBlock
Use Atomic Browser or some other browser that blocks ads on your phone
Not that hard
Anonymous commented
this is fucking bunk.. fix it.