Feedback, Suggestions and Bugs
Please provide us with your ideas to improve Phantasy Tour. Do not use this feature to submit general support requests. Please address those requests to [email protected].
1458 results found
[IDEA] Allow for filtering of message board thread by original poster (or any user perhaps)
Often times the OP will be providing periodic updates to their thread or be telling a story in serial fashion. It would be nice to have a button I could push to view only the posts from OP instead of having to wade through 100s of posted that I'm not interested in to read the 20 that I am.
12 votesWe will consider this suggestion for future release.
8 votes
Thanks for your feedback. We will consider this suggestion for future release.
[IDEA] Add list of songs I have not heard to the "My Stats" feature
Provide a list within "My Stats" to show all songs from a given artist that I have not yet heard live.
3 votes -
[IDEA] Offer "stay in thread" option after making a new post (user setting)
I hate getting booted to the board everytime i post a comment. Id rather hit back to board or something.
13 votes -
[IDEA] Add a "People Watching Thread: X" Notice on Threads
This little notice can let people know how many people are following a thread, and therefore the level of interest in the thread.
Anybody who is posting in the thread or has clicked "MT" will be counted.
9 votes -
[IDEA] Add a "tag" feature for mentioning another user in your post
somethin where you can mention someone else in a thread (i.e. @lizardmusic) and they will be notified of said mentioning
4 votes -
[BUG] Cancelled / deleted shows remain in a user's "My Shows" list
For my stats on my profile it shows that i have 150 total shows but i really only have 148 total shows. This is because my Bisco stats show that i have 60 Bisco shows but i really only have 58. When i click the #60 it shows the 58 shows. The reason this happened was because there was originally two extra dates for stats from 10/5/12 Mann Music Center Philadelphia, PA that were posted for that day and i had all three of them added to my stats. Once it was corrected the two extra 10/5/12 Mann Music Center…
1 vote -
[IDEA] Allow navigation to next and previous songs (alphabetically) when viewing the song page
(similar to how it is for shows!) so i dont have to click the back button to get to another song!!!
4 votes -
[IDEA] Offer set list searches by song
Get back to what this site was all about, Stats and set lists. Add better searching of set lists by being able to search on a few song and the database will return all shows with those songs (or combination of songs, depending on the search). Also, add a photo feature for songs (for either pictures of the stage set list or actual band or festival photos). being able to go back to songs in the 90s and look at photos or whatever would be a nice archive. Offer the ability to download set lists or searches into CSV. A…
8 votes -
9 votes
[IDEA] Introduce iPhone and IPad app
Youre 3 years late already
32 votesThanks for the input. We will consider this idea in the future. Optimizing for mobile browsers is out current priority.
[IDEA] Allow users to edit / delete their forum posts after they are submitted
Will likely need a time limit.
69 votes -
31 votes
Thanks for the input. We will consider this idea in the future. Optimizing for mobile browsers is out current priority.
64 votes
80 votes
587 votes
Work is under way on converting all PT pages to a responsive format that adjusts to your display width. A preview of this is available on the main home page at (be sure to login). If you encounter any problems with the preview page or have any feedback, please add comments to this ticket.
1 vote
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?