Feedback, Suggestions and Bugs
Please provide us with your ideas to improve Phantasy Tour. Do not use this feature to submit general support requests. Please address those requests to [email protected].
3 results found
Phantasy Phish
Create leagues and keep stats for players. We have a seven man league going using a spreadsheet. We would love stats like songs hit per show average, total season score, places, etc.
1 voteThanks for your suggestion! We love the idea and we’ll consider it adding it to the list.
In the meantime, we encourage you to get people to vote on your idea so we can gauge the interest level!
- CB
Open up Papadosio's discussion
It would be fantastic to be able to have a discussion with other fans!
4 votesThanks for your interest in a Papadosio message board on Phantasy Tour. We’d be happy to open up the discussion tab in the Papadosio section if there’s enough interest. Please help gather more votes for this suggestion and we’ll take it under consideration.
1 vote
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