[IDEA] ASCII character restriction on message board posts is overly restrictive; implement a less restrictive standard
Character restrictions are a necessity on message board posts. However, the current restriction is too strict and often makes it impossible to paste text from another source. We will implement a less restrictive standard.
Current restriction doesn't allow the following often used characters in prose:
… (ellipses)
— (em dash)
™ (trademark)
✓ (checkmark)
‘ (open quote)

Adolf Watson commented
Message boards often have strict character limits that can hinder effective communication, especially when using common symbols like ellipses (…), em dashes (—), or trademarks (™). Finding ways around these restrictions can improve user experience. Additionally, when dealing with business matters, seeking professional Trademark Registration in Pennsylvania ensures your intellectual property remains protected.
For more info visit: https://trademarkregistrationagency.com/state/trademark-registration-services-in-pennsylvania/ -
loraxila commented
This still isn't fixed?
A few bad apples post something bad so you take away certain posting abilities for everybody? Isn't that like pandering to terrorists?
It's ridiculous to not be able to copy/paste sentences/paragraphs.
Lurker Bee commented
Sucks. Don't really visit PT anymore because I can't paste a simple sentence. You shouldn't have to ask for examples, try it yourself, figure this shit out already
Andrea commented
aaaaaaand, now i can't even post a post in an existing thread without getting the "non-ASCII characters" message :(
Andrea commented
i was just now unable to post a thread on the moe. board about a venue change... i got the error "please remove non-ASCII characters from your submission and try again"... i first posted with the date "9/14" and thought it was the slash that was the problem (what?)... so i tried again with a dot instead of a slash, and got the same message.. tried again with only letters in the thread title and got the same message (after closing my browser, logging out and logging back in again)... something is amiss! thank you!
dlyop11 commented
same thing happens with quotation marks too. usually replacing them with a self typed quotation mark works.
asdf commented
Anonymous commented
What Is the Hockey World Pretending to Be Outraged About Now?
Nothing makes hockey folks happier than being outraged about something relatively unimportant. We’ll pick one topic fans are complaining about and try to figure out if it’s justified.
The issue: Everything.
The outrage: All-consuming.
Is it justified? Let’s run down the list: Ron MacLean hates French people. Everyone hates Matt Cooke. Everyone who isn’t a Boston fan hates Milan Lucic. The Dallas Stars did something mean to Ryan Getzlaf. The Chicago Blackhawks said something mean to David Backes. Someone made a mean shirt about it.
And all of that is just from the playoffs. But don’t worry if your team didn’t make it; you can still throw a temper tantrum because the wrong guy got the third nomination for one of the NHL awards.
All of which means this is probably a good time for three important reminders:
1. NHL players are all jerks. Every single one of them. They are the worst people you can possibly imagine. I don’t mean when they’re off the ice — many of them are probably perfectly nice guys then. But on the ice, they’re beyond horrible, and in the playoffs, they get worse. Stop being surprised by this.
2. Related to point no. 1: If you use the word “classy” in any argument about hockey, you’re an idiot.
3. Most important: It’s only the second week of the playoffs. We’ve got a long way to go, people. Pace yourself. Pick your battles. This is a marathon of whining, indignity, and victimhood, not a sprint. Let’s all make sure we still have something left in the transparently fake outrage tank by May.FIX THIS PIECE OF SHIT.
Anonymous commented
Biggest bullshit error on this site. Fix this piece of shit already. Good lord.
Anonymous commented
Mciccone commented
The message body should remove all formatting as a default setting, the old PT must have done this.
Anonymous commented
Recently had a similar error when I typed an ellipses. Time for these bugs to get cleared up
AOL > PT commented
"One of the reasons Matt Carey signed with the Blackhawks is because they assured him he would stay with the NHL club this season and not be sent to Rockford. There’s a lot of frustration over this one. Carey is considered to still be a very raw talent who really should be in the AHL playing games if he’s going pro at this time. The organization is high on him, as they were Drew LeBlanc last spring, and put on a show of force to impress the 22 year old freshman center in his final weekend playing at St. Lawrence, as was first reported by the CBC’s Eliotte Friedman.
The plan is for Carey to get in 2 to 3 games with the Hawks before the regular season is over, and then be a black ace. He’ll make NHL money for the next three weeks while practicing and being a spectator, as opposed to playing in and making AHL money for the next four weeks - actually gaining experience, adapting to the environment he’ll be playing in next year and improving on his skills."
please let me know why that can't be posted to this POS site. thanks.
AOL > PT commented
Seriously, this is the dumbest error in the history of the internet.
Z commented
emmmmtk commented
can't post the following:
Line-up /
Voices from the Lake [The Bunker/ Prologue] (Extended Live Set)
Clay Wilson [The Bunker] (live)
Bryan Kasenic [The Bunker]
The Panther Room:
Portable [Süd Electronic/ Perlon] (live)
Mike Servito [The Bunker]
Wrecked [Ryan Smith & Ron Like Hell]Doors at 10pm
Enter on Wythe Avenue -
Electrolux commented
Accented characters as well, such as "é" making it impossible to correctly spell cliché.
Demi commented
Had the apostrophe one pop up again. If i delete the copy/pasted one and type my own it works.
Demi commented
I was able to post the below comment when I removed the apostrophes and replaced with hand-typed "
I also changed the () to [], although I'm not sure if that had an impact.
Demi commented
Couldn't post the following:
The results shown here cannot be attributed to the phenomenon of ‘spontaneous remission' because a dose response curve was achieved. Three factors, namely frequency of dosing, amount given (therapeutic dosing) and the potency of the cannabis strains, were critical in determining response and disease control. By viewing figure 6, it can be seen that introducing strains that were less potent, dosing at intervals greater than 8 h and suboptimal therapeutic dosing consistently showed increases in the leukemic blast cell count. It could not be determined which cannabinoid profiles constituted a ‘potent' cannabis strain because the resin was not analyzed. Research is needed to determine the profile and ratios of cannabinoids within the strains that exhibit antileukemic properties.
It must be noted that where our most advanced chemotherapeutic agents had failed to control the blast counts and had devastating side effects that ultimately resulted in the death of the patient, the cannabinoid therapy had no toxic side effects and only psychosomatic properties, with an increase in the patient's vitality.
This therapy has to be viewed as polytherapy, as many cannabinoids within the resinous extract have demonstrated targeted, antiproliferative, proapoptotic and antiangiogenic properties.
Despite the nonstandardization of the medicines, the dose was readily titrated according to the biological response of the patient and produced a potentially life-saving response, namely, the drop in the leukemic blast cell count.