Pls add this show (I was there)
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA
Ice Castles, Golden Eel, Baby Bitch, Piss Up a Rope, Take Me Away, Wavin My Dick in the Wind, Voodoo Lady, Exactly Where I'm At, Mutilated Lips, Happy Colored Marbles, Roses are Free, The Argus, Bananas and Blow
Touch My Tooter, You Fucked Up, Licking the Palm for Guava > Mushroom Festival in Hell, Johnny on the Spot, Tried and True, Help Me Scrape the Mucus off My Brain, Big Jilm, Buckingham Green, Captain, Spinal Meningitis, Sorry Charlie, What Deaner was Talking About, The Mollusk
Ohio > Tender Situation, Booze Me Up and Get Me High, Fat Lenny
Poopship Destroyer geometry dash online

Peter Sarah commented
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