Enable my account to post on PhantasyTour forums
I don't know if any moderators look at this (if there are any), but I've sent countless tickets to allow my PT account "MrPizzaShit" to post on the PT forums for the past few months now with no response.
I know this isn't the place to be posting this but sending emails to PT support clearly isn't working when all I wanna do is post on the forums. If anyone could maybe reach out to a moderator or even Paul G or Matt on my behalf I'd really appreciate you.

Greenspin commented
Same problem persists
steelebass91 commented
Admins are dead I guess but the website still exists. Still can't post.
Levle99 commented
I'm in the same boat. I've been trying to get posting/PM privileges for probably close to a year now and I haven't heard anything back. I love this community and want to contribute to it.
theflowersarepurple commented
I have also been trying to post to the boards but there is no way to create an account, I keep getting errors.