papadosio 2/18/2016 setlist correction
Mercury Ballroom
Louisville, KY
Tour: Extras in a Movie Act 2
Set 1:
. Glimpse of Light,. Improbability Blotter(1), We Are Water -> By the Light of the Stars -> Obove(2) ->. Snorkle, Taking Turns, Cue, Out of Hiding(1)
Therian -> Night Colors
(1) XL
(2) 1st time played

Thanks for your submission! We’ve updated the setlist for Papadosio on 2/18/16 here:
If you would like to help keep shows and setlists up to date, let us know!
Anonymous commented
I'm going by the release on bandcamp!
Anonymous commented
The source is the audio recording that is released on bandcamp! I'm listening to each recording carefully!