fix PT show date/time issue
It looks like something happened post PT being down at the end of December 2018.
It looks to me like the show dates are being read as under different time zones from the database or something, which is leading to some weird issues.
For example, when I type 12/28/2018 in the tDB forum, it correctly auto-hyperlinks to the first show of the run. But while the setlist for that show says 12/28/2018 in the page title at the top of the browser, it appears as 12/29/2018 • The Fillmore Philadelphia • Philadelphia, PA on the setlist page itself. Similarly, it lists the show time on the setlist page as "Show Date: Saturday, December 29, 2018 | Show Time: 12:00 AM", but when I look to edit the show information, it appropriately lists December 28, 2018 and 7:00 PM as the show time, which is correct and presumably why the show appropriately auto-links to 12/28/2018 and not 12/29/2018.
Based on the number of "setlist correction" errors filed around NYE shows, it appears that this affected the Phish NYE shows as well (and possibly others).