[IDEA] Provide mobile friendly version of Phantasy Tour
Work is under way on converting all PT pages to a responsive format that adjusts to your display width. A preview of this is available on the main home page at www.phantasytour.com (be sure to login). If you encounter any problems with the preview page or have any feedback, please add comments to this ticket.
m salman commented
Providing a mobile-friendly version of Phantasy Tour is a great idea to enhance user experience and accessibility. It can help users easily access and navigate the site on their smartphones or tablets.
sajida asif commented
Ollie/Clay10 commented
bro.....what is this. all I want to do is respond and post about tickets.......please p tour......let me
Jonathan Kestler commented
Is this STILL not a thing? Wow.
Anonymous commented
Hi. I’m a phish fan
Anonymous commented
It would be nice if we could run stats on a mobile device.
six_below commented
Do y'all need any help with this? I'd be happy to offer a helping hand. If you guys exposed your data then I'd be happy to get the process rolling with creating a mobile app.
Anonymous commented
Built out a prototype this weekend, you can check it here: https://streamable.com/yy184
barbie commented
how about an app for ios? have to give this one vote. Would be easier to use on phone than what is current
Alex, our current mobile strategy is to complete a responsive redesign of the site before further considering device specific applications. Is there something specific about an Apple app that you believe would make it superior to a responsive website? We have our own thoughts on this, but would love to hear yours.
alex commented
how about an app for iphopnes?
Jon, thanks for your suggestions. They've been added here:
Anonymous commented
Tapatalk is the best route. I'd pay 2.99+ as I'm sure many would.
Yes, there should be a mobile version in any case!
Jon Greene commented
on my HTC One, which has a pretty large screen and high resolution. When I open the boards, it's defaulting to the upper left corner of the site, and there is no scaling. You need to set the application focus to the board or the threads.
Jon Greene commented
also, add a set of page navigation buttons to the primary pages at the top. If I click into a thread, I have a set of page navigation buttons at the top, and bottom. When I'm in the primary board, the only way I can navigate to the 2nd or 3rd page is to scroll all the way to the bottom, and use the small buttons. Putting a set of buttons at the top would allow you to scroll up or down to move to the next page.
Jon Greene commented
make the page navigation buttons (forward/back) larger for small screens, and probably a different color would make sense.
dlyop11 commented
its not like the site uses a bunch of bandwidth. the site is fine on as it is on a mobile device. typically i find mobile versions of sites to be far worse than just using the full version of a site on my mobile device. youtube comes to mind, and those article sites that make you swipe to the left to change pages and then the whole screen grays out, etc...
Anonymous commented
Just do it.
DriveMeToPhirenze commented
Tapatalk is a great solution.
Anonymous commented
via Tapatalk forum integration please